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About Hikki

>> Kamis, 12 Juni 2008

Date of Birth
January 19, 1983
The same birthday is shared by writer/poet Edgar Allan Poe, with whom I fell in love during my junior-high years; Ogai Mori, one of Japan's literary geniuses; cute Udo Suzuki-san; and even cuter Rika Ishikawa-chan. My Toshiba EMI senior Yuming, Makoto Kawamoto were also born on this day. It's a singer/songwriter birthday!


158cm...or less?

Blood Type
Type A all the way. Most of my friends are type Os.


- Literature will always be my thing. Books are assets to be treasured - I keep every book I read, and they now take up more space than my clothes.
- Hot and spicy seasonings and condiments
- Snapping pictures, without warning, of friends when they're having hungovers or snoozing.
- Late-night web-crawling. I learned of a few cool sites from an EMI recording engineer --- [Modern Living] and [otogaiworld] are definitely worth checking out, especially in the wee hours.

Favorite Writers
Takeshi Kaiko; Kenji Miyazawa (his poems especially); Kenji Nakagami; Ryunosuke Akutagawa (Rashomon); Yasunari Kawabata; Ogai Mori (Takasebune); Soseki Natsume (Kokoro, Kusamakura); Yukio Mishima (Kinkakuji); Taruho Inagaki; Junichiro Tanizaki when pursuing eros; Yutaka Haniya (Shiryo) to savor bit by bit; Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha followed by Happiness and finally Steppenwolf (I recommend the Kenji Takahashi translation) for a satisfying bellyful of great literature;Shohei Ooka (Nobi) ; Shusaku Endo(Umi to Dokuyaku,Chinmoku);Fyodor Dostoevsky (Notes from the Underground, Crime and Punishment); Roald Dahl; Oscar Wilde; Shel Silverstein; Edgar Allan Poe; Elie Wiesel; John Berendt (Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil); F. Scott Fitzgerald (The Great Gatsby); George Orwell (1984)

Favorite Movies
Amadeus, Crash, Munich, Brazil, Tasogare Seibei, Lost Highway, The Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather Part II, The Jerk, Orlando, works by Hayao Miyazaki

Favorite Artists
Nine Inch Nails, Mozart, Jimi Hendrix, Bela Bartok, Lenny Kravitz, Prince, Edith Piaf, Cocteau Twins, Jeff Buckley, Chick Corea, The Blue Nile, Freddie Mercury, Bjork, Yutaka Ozaki, Hibari Misora

Favorite Words and Saying
Kinomi kinomama (with only the clothes one happens to be wearing, with the barest necessities), Shogyo mujo (all is vanity), Fuyukai da kaeru! ("I am not liking this and I'm goin' home!"), munya munya, "I will not play at tug o' war. I'd rather play at hug o' war ...." - Shel Silverstein

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